Heimdall Coffee Roastery

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Client Testimonials
"I don't believe there is a better green tea you can get in a bag. The evidence is in the bright, even, grassy green color this tea makes."
Rory Webster Skin & Wellness Doctor
"This tea is absolutely amazing! I feel immediate uplifting effects after consuming. That I have found on any shelf thus far."
Guy Hawkin Skin
"This is by far the best Earl Grey tea I have had. I drink a lot of tea and only drink Earl Grey. You will love the flavor."
Simon Weaver Wellness Doctor

Garden Direct Green Tea

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Over 100 loose leaf teas & infusions from all around the world.

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Consciously sourced from across the globe, we offer tastes and types of tea found nowhere else in the country. We scour the World, trying and tasting hundreds of new varieties and combinations, to bring you our finest selection of infusions.

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